4 Tips to Maximize Your Prime Day Savings

mobile shopping amazon prime day

Prime Day offers exciting opportunities to snag great deals on your favorite products or that set of headphones you’ve been dying to try. However, without proper planning, it's easy to fall into the trap of overspending and buying sh*t you don’t need.

To make the most of your Prime Day this summer, follow these tips so you can get what you want without going overboard:

#1: Create a Shopping List

Spend less by focusing on what you need. Making a list before shopping on Prime Day can significantly reduce impulsive purchases. Similar to a grocery store visit, knowing what you plan to buy in advance saves you from buying unnecessary items. Remember this helpful rule of thumb: If you can't name something you genuinely want beforehand, chances are you don't need it.

#2: Assess Your Priorities

Align your values and purchases. After creating your list, review each item and gut-check whether it aligns with your money priorities right now. We’re not saying you should skip out on buying that one item that’s been on your wishlist for 5 months. Rather, this step is about making sure your cart isn’t filling up with stuff just because it’s on sale. Not sure how to do this? Check out our blog post on defining your money values.

#3: Set Spending Limits

Avoid stress by shopping within your budget. If you're in the mood for retail therapy but don't have specific items in mind, decide in advance how much you can afford to spend. By establishing a maximum spending limit ahead of time, you can shop freely and avoid post-purchase buyer’s remorse.

#4: Timebox Your Shopping

Limit your time onsite to avoid impulse purchases. Prime Day presents countless deals and discounts, making it tempting to continuously browse for new offers. Don’t fall for their marketing tricks! Decide in advance how long you’ll let yourself window shop, then check out and move on with your life. You’ll make more conscious choices and feel better about them after.

Bonus Tip: Unsubscribe! The easiest way to save money on Prime Day is to spend nothing ;) If you don’t need anything, stay away from Amazon and go for a walk instead.

Now you’re ready to maximize Prime Day savings while staying true to your long-term financial goals.


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